
Don't you love the excitement? the crazyness? the laughter? the feeling of doing whatever you want and not caring what other people think?! It's great.. Being able to not worry about anything or anyone. Living in the moment and just being happy! Nothing matters except making sure your living your life to the fullest. You only live once and you should make the best of it. That's what you think when your hyper. You don't CARE about the world! You are confident and aggressive. No one can put you down because you know that your better than them. I think you're the smartest when your hyper because you see people for who they really are and don't acknowledge the being of anything around you. You're always on your toes and can come up with all the greatest combacks. Everyone wants to be like you cuz you're so outgoing and all around a happy person... but then the next day you realize everything around you and go back to the way you usually act. The fun is over and you get back to the reality of life. I think that's why being hyper is so amazing.. Because it doesn't last. It just randomly takes over anytime and then it's gone. You don't know the next time you'll become hyper. And that's why being hyper is so great :)
August 26th, 2010 at 04:12am