Where were you when the world stopped turning?

That video has gotten many comments, all of which I've seen have been sad and remorseful.
I will nvr forget this day. Nor should anybody else tht was old enough to remember. The policemen nd firefighters? tht were brave enough to run into those buildings knowing tht they may not come back out. Nd the soldiers tht were propelled half way around the world, away from their families, to protect our freedom. Because of this day, I will be an American Soldier as soon as I graduate high school.
What did you think while watching it? What did you feel?

Go back nine years in time, heck, let this whole country (meaning the United States; I know there are people from all over the world on Mibba) go back nine years in time.

Nine years ago, on September 11, 2001, all of America joined hands, fell to our knees, and prayed to God like we had never prayed before.

Nine years ago, we were a solid, united, angry country that was going to bust a cap in Iraq's ass.

Nine years ago, we were all brothers and sisters, and we were all crying together over our lost family members.

Nine years ago, on September 11, 2001, no one was calling us out on our racism against the Muslims, because everyone was equally as angry.

Nine years ago, there would be no way in Hell that a Muslim mosque would be build two blocks from Ground Zero. Because nine years ago, there were bodies covering that very piece of land.

Now, people who obviously can't remember that day, are saying we should let those who belong to the same religion (of those religious extremists that destroyed our country - yes, I am admitting that those were religious extremists and that not every Muslim is out to get us) build a place to worship (and quite frankly, a place to pray for our demise for all we know) two blocks from where those planes crashed into our World Trade Center and killed nearly 3,000 of our men and woman.

Here are the facts:
+ Yes, there already IS a mosque four blocks away from Ground Zero. It was built even before the World Trade Center was.
+ Yes, they were offered an alternative site, farther away from Ground Zero, but they refused it.
+ Yes, even Muslim Americans are protesting that this mosque will be so close to where the Twin Towers fell.

Now, doesn't that seem a little fishy to you?

Here is a group of Islamic people, who have many other places to worship in NYC, who were offered a different place to build, who refuse to cooperate and compromise with us, wanting so badly to build a place of worship only two blocks away from Ground Zero, on a piece of land where DEAD BODIES FELL.

Why? Why is it so important to have your place of worship there - why can't you move it a few more blocks down the road?

Then there are other Muslim Americans, who lost people during 9/11, who feel empathy for the victims and the victims families, who think the mosque should be built farther away.

Those Muslims, along with many other citizens of many other religions, believe that not only an Islamic mosque should not be built there, but that Ground Zero and the blocks surrounding Ground Zero should be free of any religion whatsoever.

We believe, that Ground Zero and the surrounding area, should simply be a memorial spot where people can come to mourn and remember. It should be a place free of religion; a place open to all; a place where nothing is celebrated or mourned except for the life and deaths of the 9/11 victims.

The people opposed to the Muslim mosque are not racist. We have nothing against people of the Islamic religion. We simply want our country to have one spot of peace, solitude, and remembrance.
August 26th, 2010 at 07:04pm