today is only going to be yesterday's memories.

Hello again :)

So after much thought and discussion (with myself) I have come to the conclusion to attempt to write these journals daily. Each day will be different subject :)

"But what if you run out of topics?"

Well, that's where you guys come in :)
I would LOVE it if you guys could ask a me question or suggest a topic that I will write about in my journals if I get stuck ! :)

This would really be helpful , considering that I love writing these journals. They're such a release, you know? This is one part of my day that I can just let everything go ... well sort of ;p

Secrets can be revealed along with embarrassing moments and tragedies, considering you don't know me... and I don't know you :)

As for today I'm feeling a tragedy :/

Today marks the day that I last saw my friend Jacob. He was my bestest work buddy and well... he was just REALLY great! he didn't move away or anything but he switched locations! I am extremely sad that I wont be getting to see him every day that I go in for work :( Seeing that we never hung outside of work, considering he's 20 and im only 15 it would be really awkward for my parents. "Mom, im going out to coffee with a friend" "Whose your friend?" "Jacob" "How old is he...?" "...20..." "Nope, you're not going" -_- LAME.

I know you guys are thinking 'my god, that was lame and not tragic.' but that was just my day, the real tragedy was when I lost my grandpa two years ago. Although it was in february, his birthday just passed and it's got me in a rut. I can't seem to be 'happy' anymore. Everything I touch turns black and widows away... well you know what I mean. I'm losing everybody and i hate it!

He was my friend and my grandpa.. i mean it can't get much closer than that. He practically raised me while my mom went through college and university. I was his favourite and he was mine. We shared so many special moments together, it's crazy. I find myself remembering them whenever I do something we used to do like play cribbage (yeah, i know. he taught me so he'd have someone to play with. I was 6 mind you ) and now I can't even look at a cribbage board without feeling bad for playing without him.

Anyhoo, that completes my tragic journal entry for the day :)

taa taa guys :)
August 27th, 2010 at 12:13am