I definitely learned something out of this!

So my first day of high school was on the 17Th, which means I'm already two weeks into the school year. Freshmen year isn't what I expected! I thought high school would be no big deal and was going to be just like middle school. Boy, was I wrong! Things have changed, the teachers are different, my school days are longer (only by fifty minutes though but that extra time comes at lunch and the two or three extra minutes we have to get to class), and my schedule is different..

If you're wondering why I chose that as my title then you're about to get your answer. You know how I just told you high school is a lot different then I expected it to be? Well, now they won't change your schedule unless it's necessary like if you're in Spanish 1, instead of Spanish 2, not if you just don't like your teacher. But I guess my school bent the rules for me a little this time ;)..

For my geometry class, I got a teacher this year that doesn't seem to really want to help us (the class) learn anything. She just gives us notes and then when someone is confused about something and asks a question she gets annoyed and gives you this attitude that says 'why should I bother to answer you?'. Then with the homework assignments she gives us only about one-ten (out of about thirty questions) is on the notes. So twenty of them we don't even know how to do.

I told my mom about it and then she called the school and MADE THEM switch me out. After about a week of attempting this, they finally gave me a new teacher today. The new teacher I have actually answers questions! The reason I learned something from this is because when I was in my old teachers class I was so stressed out ever night with homework and I thought I was going to fail geometry. I mean I WAS REALLY STRESSED OUT! My mom was really worried about me and what I learned is that things do get better! I always thought that was some stupid thing people would say to make you feel better but it's not and It's great to know that and that god really did have a plan for me along.

GOOD NEWS: (I'm starting to try to look at the positives in my life now so here is something good that has recently happened to me.)
(After a few minutes of thinking..)Okay I thought of one as stupid as this may sound it's still good. Today in my psychology class just for the heck of it my teacher had us go around the room and say what the best source (besides things that have really made a change to our world like technology) ever made was. So I said peanut butter and I won :) that deserved a smiley! You could share what your answer would be if you would like to.

Oh I just remembered a second good thing (I can't learn I forgot it!) my birthday is in 3 Days!!
August 27th, 2010 at 03:35am