You're still my friend Mibba, right?

At the moment I'm stuffing my face with fried Oreos that I got at the fair. I'm eating my feelings. So I met up with my friend Gina at the fair today and she's being a total ass. For realz.

Disclamer: This journal will contain a lot of; So I was like, and she was like, and I was like Gurrrrrrl!"

After we walked around for awhile I decided I wanted to go on a ride. So I told her and she's like "Well I don't really want to, but you can go." So I was like whatever, blah blah blah. So I go on right? And I get off... and she's gone. GONE! So I'm standing around looking like a f*cking idiot texting her.

She finally responds and y'know what she says!?!

Oh, I met up with some friends from cheer.


As you could imagine, I was beyond pissed. So basically I walked around for an hour by myself looking for someone to hang out with. I met up with one of my other friends and we hung out. Now Gina hates this other girl and then she texts me again.

Why are you hanging out with Erika?! D:

At that point I wanted to grab some kids inflatable guns and whack her over the head several times. I mean really?!? How could you be so ignorant and oblivious!?! *sigh*

So I'm home now and her new signature on her phone is i<3mybff.

WOW I thought that was me. T_T

Nope. So I texted her again;

"Who's your bff, some wh*re from cheer?"

...I don't regret that one bit.

But Mibba you're still my friend, I hope. ^_^ *huggles*

Yeah, this was pointless, eh?

High school orientation is in a week. D: ehh!
August 27th, 2010 at 04:20am