i love you hacker people... NOT


So today Im completely pissed off for lack of better words. My email account and my facebook have been hacked by a turkish guy who knows things about me :S He got to me through my friend Allie's account and then hacked me. After that he started to go through my contacts and hack them all as well.

I feel terrible for this, cause I somehow feel like it's my fault, but it can't be. I can't control if the hacker hacks me or not ... or any of my contacts for that matter.

DONT WORRY this account is safe, i have changed my passwords and change the email for this one.

Basically this is a new beginning for me, and to be brutally honest... im scared.

I hate change as much as the next person, and this is just too much at the moment. My mother has been pressuring me about my job and school which is coming up soon, I just can't take it all in at once! God, I'm fifteen for crying out loud!

I just never thought this would ever happen to me :(


Has anyone else ever been hacked?

Journal Rant of The Day : Completed.

that is all,
have a good day,
August 27th, 2010 at 03:18pm