I love cute adorable mystery boys. :D :D *girly squeal*

Okay so if you've been reading my journals lately you'd know that I've been going to the fair. So let's just say tonight was better than the rest. ;D

So I met up with two of my guy friends (that I kinda hate) but they had this extremely hot kid with him. And Mibba, I mean drool-worthy. He had brown wavy-ish hair, like bright blue eyes (Yeah, I'm talking like Tom Sykes') and he was just adorable. *sighs* And he was really shy. I love shy guys.

So anyway my friends and I left him for a little and when I saw him again he had this light up sword, and I was like
"Damn! I should've brought my lightsaber!"
Him: "This isn't a lightsaber!"
The fact he knew about starwars made me like him 200x more. But I was like "Yeah, I know" blah blah blah.

So next time I saw him it was during the fireworks and we both had our faces painted. XD (He had a monster, I had Batman) and he goes, "I like your face."*gorgeous smile*

I was ready to melt into the ground. How adorable is that, "I like your face."

Bah! I'm probably like totally overreacting, but seriously everybody. Keep your fingers crossed he's in one of my classes. ;D

[/end of girlish squealing]
August 28th, 2010 at 05:00am