
Nearly in Tears

It's been two years since the last fight
I moved away from you to fix this wound
But it's seems I'm bound
To this pain in my chest
You thought you were the best
Though no one else can't tear me up again
Like you did

Sorry we're still trying to finish it. I might have to update every saturday or something since school has finally started we only have about a week before our drummer leaves so we are trying to have the best week ever. we also are trying to get booked at some places in the island. Jewelz, our guitarist, is trying to book us up at a club in the island its gonna be hard since we are 13 and still cant be in bars but she knows the owner and her mom will be there. so christmas is my sisters birthday and thats when we play trying to get the stuff doiwn and i'm still trying to buy the bass instead of borrowing it from a friend in our school. so have a good day you guyz peace.
August 28th, 2010 at 09:52pm