Writer's Block ? Anyway to avoid them ?

Salut! (Hello)

Yesterday's rant: Facebook is such a piss off.

Welcome to yet another day of my rants :) Today's topic? Writer's Block.

So this is a pretty common thing with quite a few teen writer's that I know. I know that it's become quite a problem with me too. The fact that I can't write something because it doesn't feel right, or that I just can't write at all is terrible. Writing is my 'out' for lack of better words.

Some people have said that listening to a song can get the imagination juices flowing again, but I have no clue what to listen to. Are there certain songs or just a song that you guys listent to while writing your story/ies?

Other have said to jsut get off your laptop and do something else for a bit. Go for a walk with a friend, create memories that you can put into the story. I have to say that this was quite an interesting thing for me. I remember inviting a whole bunch of friends to go town on a shoping spree, although I had no money. It was definitly an experience that I wouldn't want very many people to experience. You kinda start to feel... poor? or ... jealous!

back to the subject.

Writer's block has been terrorizing millions, and I guess my question is "How can you get rid or avoid it?"

At the moment I'm having trouble writing one of my stories. It's been months since I've written anything for it and I feel terrible for my fans :S


August 29th, 2010 at 08:44pm