Excuses,excuses. (an update on updates.)

Mmk,so. First of all,sorry for not updating in like 4 days. I started school on the 26th,so that's kind of stressful,and I've been posting all the current chapters of Scream(I'm just gonna abbreviate it to this for now.)to alltimeslash,plus I have a complete lack of inspiration. But I have started a new chapter.if I can think of some good ideas for it,it might be up later tonight,but will probably be up tomorrow.it's gonna be half in Jack's POV,half in Alex's most likely,but I may end up writing it entirely in Jack's.But yeah,that's about it.I just didn't want you guys to think I died or something.

Oh,and I posted a fluffy Jalex oneshot called Saturday,if you care.
K.done shamelessly whoring out my own story.
Update tomorrow. :D
August 29th, 2010 at 11:15pm