Courtyard Love

I'm in sixth period digital imaging, and it's so beautiful out here. We're in the common room courtyard and it's so nice. Really, there are trees and bits of grass everywhere, and this big circular wall, which is what I'm leaning against right now. I'm in a strange mood, it kind of goes with the scenery. Do you ever get the feeling that you're the character in a story? I've got that feeling right now. Sitting in the warmth surrounded by green, listening to 'Wonderwall' by Oasis, I feel slightly fictional. Or a character out of a music video.

"You're gonna be the one that saves me."
I could do with a bit of saving right now. At the risk of sounding like a melodramatic teenager, I really would love it if he was here right now. Wow, infatuated. I suppose that's me. But no, I've decided I was going to get over him, and that I am going to do. So, how do I do it? Well, I could use a bit of help for that too.

Not much to say right now, actually. That's... Different for me. I wouldn't mind being a story character at the moment. The girl out my story, "Reduced To Tears". Her ending is always happy. Although, I'd want to be her at the part where she's with her boyfriend, in the part running about and taking everything in together. Boohoo |:

Anyways, I might write back later if I have a better topic. Something less ranty.

Lots of Lust,

# I don't want them to look back when the future was written, and know we killed ourselves.
August 30th, 2010 at 07:03am