Want a one shot? :D :D

Okay, so thought I'd let you all know what's going on with my life.

-I have a job. It's between full time and part time. They call it part time, but I'm working almost every other day, and for long hours.
-I have a family, which means I like to be around them when we're all home. (This doesn't happen very often)
-I have friends that I'm trying to keep in contact with. Most of my friends are graduated, as am I. Which makes it hard to for all of us to see each other. When we get the chance, we take it.
-Due to working, I am extremely tired a lot.
-I'm taking up running. I'm not healthy, and I'm trying to change that. I'm going to be tired from this too.
-Even though I'm on the computer, I'm busy. I'm bad at mulitasking. I usually roleplay with people (Message me if you wanna over MSN/AIM/text), play neopets, or I'm listening to music, and trying to write music.

All of this stuff comes before mibba does. I still love writing, but I don't have the inspiration anymore. I know I've said this a lot. When I get an idea, I can usually make it work. But the chances of me getting a good idea that would last a while is rare. Which is why I'm doing this.

I'm still going to try and update and finish all of my stories, and I know this is going to take a while. But my life's been hectic lately. This year has been so amazing.

-I've been able to work at a radio station AND record two commercials
-I had a boyfriend. I would not count this as amazing though for many reasons. He said he loved me as soon as he asked me out, which was his way of trapping me into a relationship. He tried making me jealous by telling me that other girls liked him. And he was a typical guy, he wanted what I wasn't willing to give him. And he lied to me a lot. He was basically to clingy, which gave me no time for a lot of stuff. I was basically offline for a month because of him.
-I've gotten my job, which is giving me the opportunity to buy things I've been wanting, and eventually, travel.

Basically, my whole life, I haven't been living. I've always been extremely shy, which resulted in me going to school, then coming home, and staying home. I never got out there to try anything new, because I was scared. As a kid, I was hurt a lot. Stuff like hurting me knee, and emotionally hurt. This all made me extremely scared to try stuff because I don't want any kind of pain.
I was bullied in high school, which made me start homeschooling. Doing this, and even going to the school in my hometown terminated my chances of ever getting into a university. The kids and even the teacher at school would look down on me, and make me fear them, making me skip once a week.

The point of all this?
To tell you that now that I'm 17, almost 18, I'm finally starting to get a life.

Even though I'm busy, there are many other people that are far more busy than I am, which means I should still be able to get online once in a while, and write something for everyone.

I know there aren't many people out here on Mibba anymore that watch my account, checking for updates. I'm going to try and change all that.
I'm not promising that I'll get online everyday, but I'm going to go for at least once a week.


So anyone that wants a one shot, go ahead and ask me!
Although, I won't write about a band that I haven't heard of.
Even if I have heard of the band, I still might do it. I have to know the band extremely well. There are few bands that I know of extremely well.

Jonas Brothers - Joe, Nick, Kevin. I might or might not do Kevin.
Sophmore Jakes - Ryland, Geoff, Jessie
The Ready Set - Jordan
Selena Gomez & The Scene - Selena
Demi Lovato - Demi
Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana - Miley
NeverShoutNever! - Christofer
Tokio Hotel - Bill and Tom

And various youtube stars.
AndrewBravener/AndrewBravenerToday - Andrew
Strawburry17/LifeBurry - Meghan
HurricaneAubrey - Aubrey
zacharyxbinks - Zachary
DudeNeedaEaseOnUp - John
All of these people are also on vlogcandy.

If you give me information on a character, I can add them in as your best friend or something.

If you want me to write about any of them, sure thing.

Here's a form. Just copy and paste it into a message. :)

Characters name:
Additional characters:
Staring with you:
Name idea:

This is what it might look like!

Username: echox3
Characters name: Ashley Dawn
Additional characters: Jersey Jones. A brunette that lives with her grandmother and aunt. Spoiled, but doesn't let it get to her head.
Staring with you: Andrew, Zachary, Miley
Idea: Andrew is the best friend that Ashley is in love with. Zachary is the boyfriend that cheats. Miley is the best friend that cheats with Zachary
Name idea: A line from one of Miley's songs.

Not exactly like that! X_____X Sorry if that's confusing!
It's just an example!
Fill it out how you want, and I'll tell you if I'm confused. That's all. :)

Also, if I haven't replied to you in a week, tweet me and tell me to look at my messages @ Mibba!
August 31st, 2010 at 07:08am