Disappearing Quizilla - gone for good? + Some whoring as well. (mostly slash, but also some drabbles and other stuff)

Has anyone tried to go on Quizilla lately? I just tried going in - only because someone in another journal said it wasn't working - and I got redirected to MTV.com. I don't know if this temporary or not. I don't use Quizilla anymore, but this is still a bit upsetting to me. I spent a good year on Quizilla. And even though I was a sh*t writer back then, some of my first stories ever written are on there. It holds a lot of memories, you know? I don't want Quizilla to be gone for good, even if I don't use it. It's sort of comforting to go on my old Quizilla profile every once in a while and laugh at how childish I was.


How about I whore some stuff to you? I've actually never done this, so...

Well. Here we go:
(WARNING: most of the following is slash)

Maid Paradise by Jesus Christ (Disregard the title. It's actually a good story - and probably not what you're expecting, either. It's well written and, just... yeah. Oh. And it's slash)

The Laws of Attraction - Frerard. Really well-written, descriptive, and a lot of conflict is involved. It's also quite original There's smut, too.

Pulling Teeth - Okay, Frerard again. But this one is absolutely amazing. It's a chaptered story, and it's very well-written. It's also unique.

Tastes Like Somebody Stole My Wallet - Okay, I need to stop giving you guys Frerard. But I'm in love with this one. It's only eleven chapters, but it's the f*cking cutest thing ever. And the author has a good sense of humor.

By My Hand - It's a three-shot. And it's slash. If you're looking for something a little twisted and sad, this is for you.

Camp Boulder - And of course I can't forget this story. It's... a really good slash. I haven't heard from one person yet that really disliked this story.

Cochlea - Okay, so it's Tokio Hotel fanfiction. I don't know how many of you that turns off right away, but I'm telling you this is different. It doesn't even have to be read as a fanfic. It's completely unique and evokes a lot of emotion (mostly sorrow). Oh. And just for the record, this one isn't slash.

Broken Mirrors - I don't really know what to make of this one. Just read it. It's fantastic.

Like Glass - Honestly one of the best drabbles I've ever read.

Skeletal - Okay, so it's incest. Gay incest. But it's incredibly mature and well thought out. It's different and messy - probably not what you're expecting.

And that concludes the whoring part of this journal. I could probably go on forever, but that's it for now. I'll probably make another one of these journals soon. Does anyone have any good stories of their own that they would like me to read?
September 1st, 2010 at 12:56am