I saw paramore live and hated it.

Okay, so I don't actually like paramore anyway, but I hated it for other reasons...
Leeds fest was wonderful. Although, during the second night I managed to lose all my friends in a mosh-pit and spent the rest of the eve alone...in the dark...feeling very uneasy whilst being surrounded by strangers.

This weird guy with back-combed hair and a blazer approached me and offered me a cigarette. It's always reassuring when a blatantly older stranger comes up to you and offers you anything, especially when his eyes are blood shot and he's swaying about but I latched on to him like a lost puppy, regardless 'cause it was either that or face the scary crowds of leeds by myself.
He kept offering me drinks >.>' I didn't want to be rude so naturally I accepted.

He's a bassist from a band that I'm not actually going to broadcast but he said he's just finished playing at the 'drop dead festival' or something. Anyway, he kept holding my hand and resting his head on my shoulder and dragging me through the crowd. It was awful.
He asked me if I was seeing a lad or a lass, I said that I have a boyfriend and he shrugged and held on to me.
Whilst we were watching paramore, he stroked my face and leaned in quickly to kiss me and I told him off >:}
He then proceeded to crouch in a ball while people tripped over him...which worked as a beautiful conversation starter for the people around me and I made friends ^_^

So it wasn't too bad. I missed Kieran like crazy and the thought of cheating made my eyes all weird and leaky ._. Guess I'm growing up >.>'

Also- trips to the loo at 4am for my friend- NOT fun
Also Also- Our tent was next to a fun-fair ride so it was screams and dance music all night. Perfect.
September 1st, 2010 at 11:18pm