Hello again :)
welcome to today's journal entry. I decided not to do one yesterday cause i was exhausted from the day that I had.

Alright, so I hope that you guys understand what this journal is about... and for those of you who think i cheated on a test or something... : I cheated on my ass of a boyfriend.

So yesterday I went over to my friend Brandon's house with my bestie (Sarah) and her bf (Alex). I gave both guys a hug, and we went into the backyard to start off our day :)

Basically, I know that I had had feelings towards Brandon, but i didn't know that he had the same ones. We went swimming, and I was in a bikini ofcourse... well he groped me "accidentally" on the thigh before dragging me continuously underneath the water. He wouldn't let me out of his arms, it was either his arms wrapped around me or his arms pulling me through/around the water.

After swimming got boring we went on the trampoline where he taught me how to do a front flip (im so proud of myself!) on the first attempt ! after which he helped me off like a gentleman and we went into the bubbly hot tub to warm up.

Every minute or so i would feel his hand poking my leg and his hand trying to pull me onto his lap. Of course he succeded and by the time we were hott, i had given up and let him do what he wanted with me ;p

Sarah and Alex just sat nearby while we were on the trampoline and refused to go in the hot tub.

Brandon suggested we all watch a movie and sure enough, twenty minutes later there we were (all of us crammed into one couch). During the movie his hand inched closer and closer to my lady buisness and i could tell he was ... in the mood...

Sarah paused the movie and went to the bathroom while alex went to the other one downstairs. Brandon and I were alone at last... but I didn't do anything and he didn't either. We kinda just sat there in silence looking at each other.

After the movie I kicked everyone's ass at bball and darts!

it was about 9 oclock when we were ready to leave and ... he kissed me!

Alex and Sarah were saying their "goodbye" so i just walked off, only to get stopped a few steps later and pulled into a pretty perfect chest! he said "where do you think you're going" and then planted one one me! ... ME!

*sigh* I hate to break it to you, but my bf hadn't been "reachable" so it's his fault. but I still feel kinda guilty about what I did...

If you've read my previous Journal, you'll understand why my boyfriend's an ass.

Til next time ;)
Read on my homeeeeees!

September 1st, 2010 at 11:43pm