I'm not stereotypical

Firstly, I DON'T want you to think that I just want attention, because I don't.

My Dad wanted to know what I wanted to do for my birthday, he asked who I would invite, and when I thought about it... I have 1 best friend and 2 other friends that are... okay to hang around with at school.

And I do try to make new friends, when I'm at school or at home, on holiday. But I just can't. I am a loner but I don't have friends to celebrate my birthday with...

but I haven't really got many friends. I'm a loner, and if you knew me you'd probably understand.

I don't know, maybe it was because when I was 4 I moved away and lost my 2 best best best friends and then a few years back my best best best friend moved.. I cried fr weeks both times and I don't want to do that again. I feel like I'm stopping myself making friends but I DO want to make friends, now don't tell me that that isn't screwed up.

And guess what? When my Dad asked me, I burst into tears because it hit me then that I kinda don't have friends. -_____-" :(

1. is it weird that I'm a loner?
2. what should I ask for my birthday?
3. what do you do when you are upset?
4. have you had any good news recently?
5. ask me a question?

sorry if this seemed a little depressing.. but I have good news;
I caught that damn fly that was flying around our house! :D
September 2nd, 2010 at 12:58am