I need to get used to having a vegan bedtime.

I have a journal explaining what vegan bedtime is, but for those lazy bums that don't feel like looking and clicking, I'm going to explain. A vegan bedtime, according to DrewL Stavola is "going to sleep at like 08.40 or 09.10 pm." The idea of going to sleep at a vegan bedtime makes me cringe. Like many people, I'm a night owl. I work better at night. Hell, I love going to sleep when the sun is beginning to rise. Yet, because I have to go to school for the next nine months, I have to wake up when the sun rises. It pisses me off so much.

It's already pm 08.14 pm, which means I have an hour left of freedom. You know, tomorrow morning, I'm going to wake up crying. When I started school, up until the fourth grade, I always cried in the morning of the first day of school. Of course, people grow up, and get rid of stupid habits. Yet, this year I'm going to cry because it's my last year of high school. I'm not going to cry because it's my last year. I'm going to cry because I'm going to need to pay for school next year. And I'm a cheap ass. And a picky nut case. Which means I'm going to pick the most expensive art school, if I get accepted to any colleges/university that is.

For those of you that are freshman in high school: ENJOY YOUR LAST YEAR OF FREEdom! Seriously. When I think about the amount I have to pay for four -possibly six- years of college/university, I want to crawl in a hole and die. And cry too, because I'm a cheap ass.

Leave comments and questions at the bottom. I probably wont answer them. LOL jk. Kbai.
September 2nd, 2010 at 02:26am