A writer's break up ...

Hello Readers:)
Today's topic is... how i broke up with my ass of a boyfriend :P
yesterday's rant? im a cheater .(not anymore!)
So I've been messaging keandra on quizilla and she told me that it would be better if I broke up with him. so here's the email i sent...

so i know doing this over an email is pretty lame,
but if I saw your face im sure i'd reconsider my decision.
I can't be with you, something has changed between me and you.
or maybe just my feelings have changed, i don't know.
Kissing you is different now, hugging you...
I can't be in a relationship that I don't feel loved in.
Yes, you say you love me but the way you talk to me isn't exactly loving.
It just, doesn't sound like you're kidding when you basically make fun of me most of the time.
Don't say you can make it work from now on, because I just can't do it anymore.
I love you pat, but im not in love with you anymore.
I hope you respect my decision and move on, because i will too. eventually.
You were a big part of my life, and i hope that you'll still talk to me.
But if that's too hard, i understand.
once again, im sorry this is over email,
but i couldn't think of a better way.


And that my fellow readers is how i broke up with the guy who was calling me his property. I didn't deserve the way he was treating me, i deserved better and I found it with someone else. He wouldn't let me call him, and he wouldn't answer back on msn. and email is the only way :/ Ofcourse i feel kind of sick for doing it that way, but i'm sure i would have changed my mind if i was standing in front of him.

chow for now readers :)
talk to y'all soon ;)
September 2nd, 2010 at 06:37pm