We need your help!

I Need your help!
Truth or Dare.
Chaos and Lullaby!
Never heard of Them?
Well they are just getting started!
They have a show that's called D*mn Regret
They need dares and truths.
Chaos does mostly any dares that people leave.
While Lullaby answers the truths.
But, Chaos will answer some questions.
The questions can be about anything, from sex to music, to Chaos and lullaby themselves.
They need both truths and dares!
Comment this with your truths and dares.
Chaos: "All the dares need to be legal. I don't want to be someones b*tch thanks. Do it up!"

Now. I say. Dooo itt!



P.S. Their name doesn't really have a * in it. I had to censor it. xD
September 3rd, 2010 at 04:22am