30 Days of Prompts: Day 1- I tend to look at the little things in life.

First entry to Jinxeh's Journal Contest!

I figure if I have a lot of little things along with the big things that makes me happy, it'll be that much harder for life to bring me down. I'm thankful that so many things can put a smile on my face because I like to be strong for the people around me who can't be. It makes me feel worth something. Here are some things that will inevitably put a smile on my face.

Thunderstorms: This just happened to me today as a matter of fact. Thunderstorms make me ridiculously happy and they always have done that. It's one of those experiences that are exciting because they don't happen every day. I love going outside and waiting for the storm to hit. I love the smell of rain and watching the dark grey clouds roll in excitedly. I love the first low rumble of thunder and the unexpected zig-zag lightning bolt in the sky. I love having to rush back in because it start pouring before I know it. I get lost in some sort of trance while watching a storm from my window. I hope for hail and search for every bolt of lightning. I still count the seconds in between lightning and thunder to determine how close the storm is. It can usually keep me in a good mood the entire day.

Hearing my favourite song on the radio: Have you ever been sitting in the car, looking out the window and drowning out the music because you don't even know the song. And then all of a sudden without warning one of your favourite songs come on and you have this incredible urge to blast the volume and belt out the words? I think that's one of the best feelings in the world. It's like a life is giving you a little surprise to make you smile for a few minutes. I get excited whenever I hear a good song on the radio.

Thinking you have to go to school/work and then something happens and you can't go in: I think those are one of the best mood-lifting things that can happen to someone. You spend the day prior worrying and dreading the next day. It's going to be a busy day at work or there's a huge test going on at school. You just wish you had the day off. You wake up too early the next day, start to get ready and then you get a call saying the power went out from bad weather or work's too slow and they don't need you to come in. It's such an awesome feeling to have a surprise day off from school/work where you can do whatever you want.

Going through things that brings back memories: Personally, I'm a huge pack-rat. I keep everything that I feel is even a little significant to me. I have stuffed animals, glass decorations/figures, notes, photos, birthday/christmas cards, old homework, doodles from high school, etc. I have basically at least one thing to remind me of every important person that's been in my life. I really enjoy going through old noted my friends and I sent back and fourth to each other and laughing at how silly we were. I love looking at old photos and remember life at the time it was taken. Reading my old diaries and then making me laugh. I love getting lost in memories.

Here's some things that don't really need an explaination:

-Eating/drinking something amazing that I haven't had in a long time.
-Slushie/smoothies on a hot day during the summer.
-The feeling of being incredibly hot and jumping into a pool of a perfect temperature.
-Doing a good job at something I tried really hard at.
-Doing small, random things for someone I know because they're sad.
-Being in the middle of writing a poem and words and rhymes just coming to me all at once.
-A haircut turning out just the way I want it to.
-Going into a laughing fit at a time that is totally inappropriate and not being able to stop.
-Saying some kind of scenario out loud and having it actually happen that day.
-Baby animals
-Taking a picture I actually like.
-Kicking myself in the butt and eating healthy.
-Long, deep conversations with people.

I could literally go on and on about more little things I love, but if someone's reading this I imagine it's going to get boring eventually. Now that I've written this journal I can't stop thinking of the things that make me smile. I'm going to go to bed happy tonight :)
September 3rd, 2010 at 07:39am