Have you ever been told something you just didn't want to know? *Questions*

Hey guys, this is my first journal, which is kinda sad since I have been a member of this site for some time now. Lol.

Some nights, when I finish school, and mum gets home from work, we sit at our computers and do our seperate things. Which is fine, I don't mind, EXCEPT for when she reads the news out to me.

The things in the news at the moment are depressing!!

It's all 'Gulf of Mexico' and 'sex offender' this and 'animal cruelty' that! I just DON'T want to know ... *sigh*

I know I sound like a hermit or something, but I swear I'm not. I read the news, I keep up to date, but then I get told them over and over again! It's just depressing.

I don't want to know there is this chick in Germany that throws puppies into rivers for fun!
I don't want to know that there is another oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico!
I don't want to know this woman has been raped 9 times, and now the offender is set free!

I mean, I know that the world is not a perfect place, and I know that I'm being "precious", but I don't care right now. Lol.

I'm sorry for ranting, but I feel sooo much better now! :)

1. Does anyone else feel like this at times? Or am I the only one?
2. How often do you read/watch the news?
3. What do you think the jail time should be for repeated sex offenders?
4. How are you? :D
September 3rd, 2010 at 01:54pm