Back to school! If you read my stories, please read this!

Hello readers!

Okay, so everyones back to school already. My first day was yesterday. Back to school for me means, more schoolwork, less Mibba, unfortunately. I'll only be on weekends and days when I have no homework. Since you can't post chapters that aren't chapters, I'd just like to know, which of my stories do you think I should update most?

The thing is, I really want to finish a story, so that can focus on other ones. I'll try and balance two stories at a time, and when one finishes, I'll start updating another one more. So which ones would you be okay with me putting off for a bit, and which ones would you like more updates on?

To tell me, just comment on this, inbox me, comment on my profile, whatever you want! Just please let me know. You have until Monday! Otherwise, I pick them myself!

Oh, and I for sure won't be on Wednesdays, because I have choir, and I will be exhausted.

Alright, well that's it! Thank you for reading!
Peace & Love, Kennedy.
September 4th, 2010 at 03:00am