Moving on?

Well Zane is going next week i can't believe she's leaving us!!! school will never be the same who will give me cookies when i forget my lunch or or who will say weird things while we eat? I'm gonna miss her really bad she says that her new house is two stories high and she might add a swimming pool. She's probably gonna forget about us and move on with some new friends become a doctor and all that good stuff. While we just sit around and try to figure out how to get famous and write more songs, go through middle school, and put up being the rejects. Which reminds me we have a couple of downers at the school his names Fernando and he annoys the hell outta us this year he's chilled down only 1 percent because he's rejected us from the class so much some people don't even know were there well back to the point of this part, we think the only reason he's chilled down is because he might have a crush on our new friend Kimberly (winter) which is kinda weird cuz she doesn't like him and he's an odd ball. :/ oh well what can ya do? more on this later right now i gotta get back to this song i have yet to finish. Oh and our guitarist, Jewelz, birthday is on the tenth make sure to wish her a happy b-day on here and i'll make sure to tell her!

Do You Guys Think She'll Forget About Us?
September 4th, 2010 at 04:08am