things i'll never say

so, it's about 11:48pm, and i have to get up at 7:00am. and my towels are still in the washer. :/ i can't put them in the dryer because it's broken, and doesn't shut off, which means our entire house could start on fire.
so i have to remember to get some dry towels before i get in the shower.

i hate it.

i've been working a bit since my last journal entry. since schools back in, it's way less busy, which is fine with me cause that means i get to learn more about the store and where everything goes. although there is the odd hour where they call me to a till and i'm stuck there for what feels like ages.

i don't quite hate going into work as much now cause there's a lot of friendly people there, and i actually know some of the people working now. i still don't like being called into cash though.

at work the other day though, i had to use a exacto knife (those knives that extend and stuff) to cut a box open, and i somehow managed to cut my wrist. it wouldn't be that weird, but i cut my right wrist, while the knife was in my right hand. i must have major skills. or something.
i didn't even notice until one of the girls was all "ASHLEY! YOU'RE BLEEDING!" i didn't really react though cause this happens a lot.

when i was in grade 5, my grade went hiking, and i tripped and fell. i was walking before 5 minutes before i noticed that my elbow was gushing blood.

i really wish i would get paid soon though. cause i'm seeing a lot of stuff i want.
when i move out, i'm going to be sooo broke!

anyways though, i do need to get up early.

if anyone reads this before tomorrow morning, you can message me if you wanna text me throughout the day cause i'm gonna be all alone and bored.
but only if you live in canada/united states cause that's all my phone company covers. :(

i'll check my messages through my iPod in the morning. :)
just leave your number in the message if you wanna, or your twitter name. and we can tweet and stuff. haha.
September 4th, 2010 at 07:55am