30 Days of Prompt: Day 1

Hello, Mibban journalers. I'm back after long years of absence. Who missed me?

So, these past few months have been actually pretty filled with happies.

1. I got into my school's A Capella choir. This choir is the highest performance choir at my school, and it's literally been my dream to get into it since I started choir in 5th grade. Not to mention, we're a touring choir, meaning in May, we compete in a national festival. This year, we're competing in the Festival of Gold in New Your City, and will be performing in Carnegie Hall. I'm so excited. I was born in New York and I've wanted to go back for so long, and to come back like this? It's more than I can dream.

2. I am now Debate Representative for our school's Masque and Gavel club. Masque and Gavel is the combination of our drama and Speech and Debate team. (4x State Champions. Justsayin') I'm really excited for this season. I have high goals for myself, like getting to Nationals in Dallas and breaking (getting to octos, quarters, semis, or finals) at the Harvard Invitational (which is obviously at Harvard University in Boston). No one from my school has gottten that far in years, because it's very prestigious and very rigorous, but I want to get that fa, and i want to set those goals for myself. I found out last year that I'm actually a really good interper (competitve actor) and now I know that I can at least come close to those goals, if I work my ass off.

3. I gots a boyfriend. :) I feel like our relationship will have to be the subject of a different journal, because it's kind of funny and kind of complicated. But we've been together for a month now, which means he far surpasses my other relationships, and honestly, I feel like this one will work out as well as high school relationships go. I'm excited to see where we end up.

So that's the happiest journal I could write at this point in time. Hope it brings a smile to all your faces.

PS. I'm working on a new story. Mikey/Pete. Hope you like when I'm done. :)
September 4th, 2010 at 07:31pm