30 Days of Prompts: Day 2 - Cats come in a variety of flavors.

My favorite pet would have to be my cat, Cookie. Shut up. I named her when I was, like, ten. Anyway, Cookie is a lovely cat. She's kind of anti-social at times (like me) and a bit moody from day to day (also like me). She doesn't really like anyone else but her owner (me), which is a little concerning. She kind of fails to hang around other humans. Except for maybe my mom.

But for some odd reason, this cat is always by my side when I need her to be. If I'm sad, she's the one brushing up against my hand. If I cry, she will actually start licking me. It's adorable. I used to have Cookie curled up to my side when I went to bed, but then I would frequently wake up at odd hours of the morning to find her swatting at various objects on my desk or on the floor. She will play with anything. I kid you not. Anything that's not tied down she will find, and she will most likely destroy.

Oh yeah. That's another thing. She likes to chew things. When I first got her, at around the age of nine or ten, she immediately took to the habit of chewing my toys and often ripping them apart. Guess who brought me out of my barbie doll faze? She did, when she gnawed on Barbie's arm until there was nothing left but pieces of plastic. ::sad:

So, this is a lot longer than I intended this to be. Bye!




I have real pictures of my cat, but Mibba wants to be b*tch and refuse to let me upload them.
September 4th, 2010 at 08:52pm