Cookies and Unicorns and Random Story Talk

Ahhh, you've got to love being in a random mood.

I never knew that giving out cookies would lead me to meeting the King of the Unicorns! That made me feel pretty special. Especially seeing as I am now an official friend to the Kingdom of Unicorns!

As you can imagine, I am in a very bizarre mood right now and I am sat on my bed giggling to myself at random intervals, whilst singing along to all sorts of music on my iTunes.
Fun times for all involved (Just me then....)

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On a very different note, I am very proud of myself. I have an idea for a new story! I got the idea from the prompts thread and I shall be posting there to let the person who psted the prompt know that I will be using it.

I intend for this story to be my first full length solo story. I have only really written stories with my cousin until recently. My only solo ventures so far have been short contest entries, so I am quite excited about writing a full story all by myself.

I have one more contest entry to get out of the way, then I will be concentrating on my new story (when I get the chance, around my Uni work). Me and Rachel are hoping to finish Shadows, Sails and Pirate Tales soon so that we can both concentrate on our own stuff for a while, before we write a sequal to it.

I'll be planning this story in detail before i write it, because I know that if I don't plan it, I will lose my way a few chapters in and it will just sit and look sadly at me as I ignore it and hope that it will write itself.

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That's my ramble over for now....until I think of something else to bore you with.
September 5th, 2010 at 12:38am