Your Facebook status seriously annoys me.

So today my best friend Diana was over at my my house and we decided to go on Facebook. We read through many status' and finally just had enough. Like seriously? There is no need to update EVERYONE every five minutes about what you are doing. No one cares.
We saw this one kid who updated his status three damn times about the same thing:
"Going to Castle Park today"
thena couple seconds later....
"Off to Castle Park with the peeps!"
then another eight minutes later...
"At Castle Park and its so hot!"

I'm pretty damn sure that people got the fact that he was going to Castle Park the FIRST time he posted it. It may just be me and Diana....but this just seriously annoys us. And then there are the people who post the most random things ever that make absolutely no sense at all. Or theres the ones that are so dumb that you pretty much say to yourself "I think I just lost brain cells by reading that."

So with saying all of that and ranting about how stupid most Facebook status' truly are I have a nice video share (:
Diana and I made a little video pretty much continuing with this rant about Facebook.
Check it out if you'd like.

and so that you didnt just waste your's some questions for ya (:

1. Do you have a facebook?
2. Ever get annoyed by your friends Facebook Status'?
3. and because I feel like asking it: How was your day?
September 5th, 2010 at 07:05am