I'm a tomato. (questions and whoring)

Seriously. Sun + no sunscreen = disaster. I'm so burn't that it's just pathetic. When will I ever learn?

So it's been a good weekend. I slept and ate. Cuddled up in my bed with my cat. Didn't really do anything, but it was nice. I'm tired, now. I feel like I'm tired all the time. Can mono come back? Cause if so, I feel like I have it again. Stupid kissing disease.

...I should do homework. I hate homework. And studying. But I like it? Weird.

I really don't have much to write. Nothing big has happened in the last couple of days. I NEED to continue writing Horrid Thoughts with Hard Questions because darn if I haven't lost my flow. I've been trying to think of something to write, but then I can't do it so I just keep putting it off, but I absolutely LOVE that story, and I'm going to update soon. I just need some inspiration. It's hard when I'm so busy and distracted all the time.

Anyway, not much else to say so I think I'll let you guys participate!

1. D'you read my journal? Any comments on my life? That's usually what journals are for...
2. Nice labor day weekend so far?
3. Favorite milkshake flavor?
5. Read my story? Send me a story?
6. Read Mattgasm's story?
7. Are you awesome today?
September 6th, 2010 at 02:17am