Stories & What not

I plan to move all my stories from Quizilla on here.It might take a few days Since it's around 20-23 stories to move :/ .But i should have most of my Stories from my 'kitKatKitty09' Account on here by Next week.Oh, And If anyone wants to Roleplay.I have a few accounts on Facebook =D . So comment if you want the emails so we can Roleplay? Hm, I'm thinking of writing a Story of Emna/Tsuna or Hibari/Gokudera or something ='D. Maybe a ChromeXBelphegor/Hibari Short Story.Hmm, Or GokuderaXHaru,BluebellXBelphegor,BelphegorXFran/Mammon or something around those pairings. ='D
September 6th, 2010 at 02:26am