And... this is where I say good bye.

I'm leaving Mibba for x amount of time. I honestly, just... have nothing left here. Or maybe there wasn't anything here from the start, huh?

Don't get me wrong, Mibba is my home away from home. My save haven. It has been for over a year now. I love this place, but... it's getting to be too much. I won't go into detail. There is no drama involved in this decision. Except for the drama in my head, maybe. ::crazy:

But honestly, I just need to take some time off. This was honestly a spurr of the moment thing that came out of no where. I know a lot of Mibbians have been doing this lately, but rest assured, I won't completely fall off the face of the Earth. I'll just be hibernating somewhere, 'kay? Don't forget to remember me.

As for my stories, in case anyone has bothered to read them, I will in fact continue writing them. I plan to type up some updates and post them when I get the chance. So...

This is a temporary good bye for now, I suppose.
September 6th, 2010 at 06:40am