In Memory of Bob.+ Questions

Well, this is in memory of my guinea pig, Bob.
He died a few days ago, and I had to be the one to discover his body.
Me, being the typical 12 year old, ran to my parents room and cried.
It was sad. He lived a short little life in his cage.
Now, he is in guinea pig heaven, eating spinage, carrots, and celery.

There was no explanation to his death.
He was sluggish the day before, but still ate. And then problably died
in the early mourning. His body was stiff. Not limp. At all. The day he died
still kinda hits me in the face once a while, but I'll get over it.

My Dad thinks Bob was an inbreed. Cause guinea pigs just don't
live that short. He also had a white mole on his ear. But did anyone
want to take me to the vet so someone could check him out? No.
And did anyone say anything when they knew Bob was acting funny?

They just left it alone, thinking he was tired. Now I worry about my other
guinea pigs constantly. One of them has a swollen eye and I'm constantly
checking up on her. Now I think all of them will die. Losing a pet hurts.

1. Have you ever lost a pet?
2.Have you ever gotten over it?
3. Do you think the guinea pig with the swollen eye will be O.K.?
September 6th, 2010 at 07:44am