
My computer doesn't suck anymore! Yaaaay! My dad reset the hard drive so now it doesn't freeze for fifteen seconds every minute. So now I can do normal things on the computer again. It also means that I'm going to be on the computer a lot more.

It's amazing outside. The corners of the windows are dotted with rain while it pours outside. The grass is a vibrant shade of green. It's dark out and the sky is overcast. *o* It's so amazing! It was hailing when I woke up. I love this kind of weather. Autumn is definitely here. Lately it's been very cool and windy. I love it. My favorite season.

Happy Labor Day! I'm so glad I don't have to go to school today. Out of seven classes I really only like three of them. English 10, 2D Design, and French 1. Favorite teachers, favorite classes. I knew I'd like English. It's been my favorite subject for a while now. Especially last year. Mr. Carter is really funny and nice and I sit next to my friend Nigel who I haven't really talked to in forever. We had English together last year. I'm also really glad I have my friend Emily who's in three of my classes actually. English 10, French 1, and Concert Choir. I don't sit next to her in the classes, but I still get to talk to her before and after class.

French 1 is great. I already have a head start on it too since all my sisters (besides my younger sibling Lilly) have taken it in high school and taught me some things. So I already knew how to say hello and what my name is (along with many, many others).

"Bonjour! Je m'appelle, Odette!"

Yes. My name is Odette. That's the name I chose for the class since the teacher said our names weren't French enough. They do that in every language class though, right?

2D Design is going good so far. Mrs. Siebers had my sister Heidi in her AP Art Studio class last year so she already likes me I think and expects a lot from me. I just hope I can please her. I'm not nearly as good as Heidi but I'm working at it! Speaking of art though, yesterday I was actually drawing a lot! I drew a portrait of myself (referenced from my sixth grade school photo) and a drawing of a "moon goddess" in some sort of freaky pose. I should post the pictures in my next journal.

Free cookie if you read all that!

1. How are you today?
Tres bien!
2. How's school going?
It's actually going great, aside from awkward moments running into my ex.
3. What are you doing for Labor Day?
Well, it's raining now, but if it clears up my family and I are going to my grandparents lake cottage. That or Madison.
4. Comment swap?
September 6th, 2010 at 04:38pm