What is your opinion?

I was watching a show called High School Stories on MTV, this girl had been on the varsity softball team for three years, this year she had a pink Mohawk and the coach put her on the JV team. To me that is really screwed up, I mean come on your going to put someone on the JV team just because of a pink Mohawk?? I understand about the society or what ever it i, but seriously why are you going to disadvantage somebody just by the way they look. Imagine what the world would be like if EVERYONE looked the same. No one would be themselves. I really wish that the society was not like that and if I had enough guts to do something about it I would do something instead of writing this, but I hope at least someone who reads this would have enough guts to do something about it. Comment on this if you have any opinions on how you feel or if you feel the same way.
September 6th, 2010 at 08:48pm