What do you mean, I have no right?

So, I stood in a group of guys.

And I always have my stupid excuses.
Like the fact that my ex girlfriend, finds the need to stand as close to me as possible, without 'technically being around me' and talks in that voice that she only did for me.

Like I missed my best friend, and was so furious that she was fine without me.

What about the fact I hadnt eaten all day, and hadn't slept in two?

Could me swaying, and wishing I held his hand, while he smiled, and assured me it was going to be okay, be enough of a reason?

Isn't that what a boyfriend should do?

Not stay gone for two to three years, and not contact you for months at a time. Then assume, that I'm fine, we're fine, and my life is fucking up slowly, while your not around.

Are these enough reasons for me to scream, when a boy i used to know, asked me if I was still going out with that guy from seventh grade?

Seventh grade, and I'm in tenth.

Havent seen him since eighth. He's supposed to be my best friend, my protecter, my fucking lover, like he promised a million times while he was away.

Did that give me enough right to scream, "No. I don't fucking see him anymore." ?


Your right. I'm a cold, selfish bitch. And I am so done, and I hate myself for it.

What do you think?

Did I have any right?
September 7th, 2010 at 03:05am