Story Peeves and Story Exchange

One thing that I enjoy as much as writing is reading and since money isn’t exactly easy to come by for myself I look to mibba and all of you talented writers to provide something of interest for me to read. And there are plenty of good stories that I have read, though I usually find them through the journal section. I have tried to look for myself in the story section and I end up knit picking all of the problems with the majority of the stories there.

Like the fact that some people have absolutely no idea how to spell. I mean okay there are some misspelled words here and there in your chapters. But when there is a twenty chaptered story with a misspelled title that is just ridiculous. Out of all things that you should have correctly spelled is the title.

Another thing I don’t like is the questioned titles that end with what? Or how? There is no need for that. And then when in the summary they put ‘this isn’t like any other you’ve read’. I can bet you that I have read a story just like it; it’s the one above and beneath that one.

These are just a few things that really bug me. I could go on but then I would just sound really mean.

Instead of comment swapping I am just going to put a list of my stories here and you can feel free to take a look at them and then leave a comment of a story that you really like. It can be a story that you wrote or simply one that you read. It’s kind of like a story exchange where you are just simply putting it out there to let people know it exists and if they are interested can take a look.

Not Yet Forgotten
How To Deal
Trench Coat
Lady Love
We Won’t Fade

And I am still upset that my laptop is broken because now I can’t make any graphics for my stories. So if told you that I would make you a banner I am still going to as soon as I can.
September 7th, 2010 at 07:31am