Procrastinating! *sighs* Ahh, The Joys of College.

Oh dear sweet Jesus.
I'm in college.

First off, no one tells you what to do.
Not when to sleep, eat, sh*t, brush your teeth, do your homework, make your bed, go for a run.
Not what to eat, or how to pick out clothes.
It's tranquility, being able to eat without having someone calling you fat, or lazy, or bad (because you like ice cream for breakfast, and like to lay in bed doing homework, and of course the smoking habit),
And I love college for all the above resons.

Perhaps I just love the concept of college.
And maybe I would like it more in real life if I could make some decent friends.
I don't exactly fit in to any little group.
College is the same as high school.
Little groups that accept few.
Outsiders remain so.
Maybe I'm just too odd for any group.
I am the loner again.
I thought it would be different.
I did try this time.

And the worst part is:
*mutters curses at the skies*

But you know what?
I don't wash in between my toes anymore,
and I'm damn happy for the moment.
September 7th, 2010 at 09:14am