Labor day and the night before

So the night before labor day I was kind of crying because I really missed berto and i thought our summer fling was over...and Im not allowed to use the phone so i really thought what we had was I went to bed crying and finally I went to sleep at around...ehh i dont know 3ish and then im waking up so im half asleep and half awake and i hear knocking on my window but ignore it. Then I hear my window start to open and I thought it was my dad checking on me because my parent are checking on me during the night now. So then it crosses through my mind that it could be someone trying to brake in so my heart begins to beat faster as im deciding whether to run out of my room...then i hear someones voice"babe...babe! babe wake up..." I go look out the window and sure enough it berto(:
"what the hell? what are you doing here?! you scared the fuck outta me?!" by this time im just freaking out. he asks me to let him in and im still freaking out. "dude, its four o'clock in the morning, my parents have me on watch" he interrupts me. "shhh i know" and i keep going "and my room is a mess and.." and he interrupts me again. "babe! it dosent matter. go open the door." so I walk torwards my bedroom door and i hear someone talking in the kitchen. I go back to the window. "I think my mom is in the kitchen." so both of us start freaking out. "no your lieing." and so i get up, walk torwards the bedroom door, open it and walk out to only find out theres no one in the kitchen...i look at the back door and i think to myself 'its sketchy... if i open the back door they are going to think im sneaking out...they will get up and see berto...if i open the front door itll make noise...i go back into my room "i went to the bathroom and my mom is awake and in her room." and we both think for a few seconds" weres her room?" i try to think and explain where it is...if he were to stand right in front of the back door he will stand right beside the window to my parents room. My parents bed is facing that window. The lights from the apartments next door would cause them to see bertos shadow when i open the door. my mom is a light sleeper so she would wake up almost immediatly. "go open the window" so i get up and open the other window. he hops through and the first thing he does is sit on my bed. I sit next to him and instantly he kisses me. "ive missed you...and your pussy" i think to myself and im furuous. :"oh really...." he kisses me and i know for sure he wants to get in my pants and i feel extremely uncomfortable. He tries to grab my boob and he knows i hate that so i pull his hands off me. he places himself between my legs and i pushes me a bit so i begin to lean backwards.i feel him tring to take my pants off so i oush his off "i cant do this..." he looks at me with his cute little eyes "I just had the sudden urge to eat you I really REALLY want to eat you out...what did you think I was gonna do? my pants are on all of my clothes are on and im taking off your pants..." he looks at me and i cover my eyes with my hands and then I giggle. he kisses me again and i go along with it. then he looks at me... "i gotta pee." so i take off my pants and run to the bathroom...then yeah when i came back i think you can guess what happened....

we put our clothes back on and we layed there hand in hand. "fuck, i just realized i have to hop the fence." I got up and he began to look for his lost beanie. my legs hurt because i got thrown into a bush with a bunch of thorns" my legs hella hurt. i got thrown into a bush with a bunch of thorns." he looked at me. " got something 7 and a half inches deep inside of you soooo..." he smirked and laughed and i laughed too. he finally found his damn beanie and he got up. he helped me up and he kissed me. I dident want him to leave so soon. i hugged him " dont forget about me babe" he tilted my head up and he laughed. "i wont" i gave him one last kiss and he went back out the way he came... i watched him hop the fence from the other window and i felt my heart sink i saw him turn back, smile and walk was an amazing night tough(:
September 8th, 2010 at 03:56am