Underrated (Writing Prompt #26)

I always used to be one of those kids that would try to listen to everything that was NOT popular. I guess I thought I was special that way or something, but looking back now, I was a pretty lame kid. No secret there. Still, there are some bands that I've loved forever that just don't get enough credit in my opinion.


The first is Brand New. When my friend told me to listen to this band, I hated them. I was incredibly bored with the music at the time, but this was when I thought I was awesome for listening to screamo. Later, I went back to them, actually when they're most recent album, Daisy, came out. I fell in love with this album, and then backtracked to listen to their other two albums prior. Needless to say, I fell in love.

They have some of the best lyrics that can sometimes be in your face with their meaning, and other times be metaphorical in a way that makes you think, but they're always meaningful. Some of their songs can be a little slow, but the melodies themselves are beautiful if you take the time to listen to them through.


Another band that deserves some love is Armor For Sleep. For awhile I guess they were pretty popular, but still never as much as say, My Chemical Romance, who I love as well. Anyways, here's another band that amazes me with their lyrics. I also have a thing for Ben's voice, it's actually kind of weird, but it just has a nice sound to it in my opinion. Now, their last album before they broke up wasn't exactly my favorite in terms of meaningful lyrics, but the songs were pretty catchy in themselves.


Last, but certainly not least, Cage The Elephant. Now, like a lot of people, I heard of these guys because of "Ain't No Rest For The Wicked," which they play EVERYWHERE, but there's more to them than just that song (even if it is a good song). A lot of their songs are satirical of society, which gets my attention (maybe that's just me), and once again with the meaningful lyrics. They also put on one heck of a live performance that is completely worth seeing, probably the best concert I've ever been to, but that will be for a prompt later on. :]

So I guess those are my top three, chosen from very many. Let me know what you think of them if you listen to them already, or I advise you to give them a try.

Also, if anyone has any suggestions for me, I'll gladly try anything once. I really like bands with meaningful lyrics versus talking blatantly about sex, or drugs, etc.

As a random side note, is anyone else REALLY amused by Google's theme today? XD
September 8th, 2010 at 04:30am