What's going on...

Ahoy, Mibba.
I just wanted to inform anyone of my readers or whoever reads this what's going on and why I haven't updated...

Firstly, I was reported and so I waited for the editors for forever. I had some ideas, but I was discouraged, and decided 'screw it'.

Then, school started. And normally, I don't give a damn about that, and I'd have plenty of time, but this year I want to get good grades. I am in one honors class this semester, one AP course, and my advanced photography class. And when I get home I am exhausted and go straight to sleep. I'm trying to do better on that, but I may take some time to get used to my work load. And Second semester is no better. I have 2 more honors classes, physics, and another Social Studies class, so it's going to be fricken terrible. Especially since Science and S.S. are my worst and least favorite subjects. I will try to be better, though.

On the weekends, I work, so that's pretty much out of the question, unless I can squeeze something in before work.

And probably the most critical reason is because in about 2 weeks I am getting my German Exchange Student. My house is pretty much a disaster right now, and all of my free time that I am not devoting to catching up on sleep and homework, is put aside for cleaning and preparing for this. I am super excited, and probably while she is here, won't update much, but I will definitely see what I can do.
I really want to improve my German. :3

And so, I apologize profoundly as to why I haven't updated in a loooong while. I haven't forgotten any of my readers+ the contests I have entered, I have just been soooo busy it's not even funny. I will try to get a new chapter out HOPEFULLY by tomorrow.... I shall steal my parents computer and type a little something. It most likely will be crap, but I feel I owe you guys SOMETHING, even if it isn't my best. Ugh, I haven't used a computer in ages.

Thank you everyone that has actually put up with my crappy infrequent updating. You guys are saints, I swear. <3
September 8th, 2010 at 05:28am