Scene queen

rant rant rant rant.

so i walked into Clare's the other day with one of my friends when i stopped and
saw a poster stuck to the window 'Get the new look! Rock' thinking nothing of it
i carried on into the store to see chokers, guitar necklaces, black crosses,
fedoras and more of the 'rocker/grungy' stereotyped clothing.
at first i thought it was a laugh, but then small children walked in with big poofy
hair, black jeans and wearing all these types of jewelry. now don't get me wrong,i
would love to see kids express themselves.. but if being individual is copying
everyone else then...

Now these kids walked past me gossiping about Justin beiber and how Edward
Cullen could beat him in a sing off... hmm, so me being me i walked i further on
into the store to find the girls from earlier, all surrounding a stack of twilight
goodies. next to them a rack of items, all black and bearing skulls with the title
'Get your school items here, be the most fashionable in school'... now normally
i say i don't believe or use stereotypes but lets face it, they are what keep this
world going. being 16 and going into college not many people care about them
anymore.. but even adults openly use them just not the same words.

although i cant complain, it was this time last year this shop and many others
were caught up in the creation of the scene kid. Bright luminous colours, big

crazy hair, tutu's and shag bands. And thus the scene kid was born, people
called it 'being individual' yet they couldn't see through this big poofy hair and
chunky eyeliner that they actually looked all the same!
Before that it was punk, wrist bands, ties, paper clips and 'rebellious' items that
graced the racks of the stores, and once everyone looked like clones the
fashion changed.

And even just a few months ago the 'in' thing was emo. and no I'm not joking...
okay since we're stereotyping here I'm gunna say it, the chavs of society (quite
a few are very nice poeple they just think they're gangsta) became emo, skinny
jeans were in, black was in, black wrist bands were in, all the chavs stole the
fringe. (you know the one). causing many confusion when walking down the
street and someone yelled emo.. and no not because everyone looked, but
because they looked exactly like me, and then all the kids though it was cool to
cut. all because of fashion everyone was doing it.
It was then my friend pointed out to me a rack of lumo Jewry and a necklace
saying scene queen. now you've got to be kidding me!

needless to say me and my friend slowly back away from the store and then
ran away to buy ice cream to calm the anger.

I know this was long and I'm not gunna lie i use stereotypes, not to poke fun at people but to describe people. because otherwise we would all be really confused. hope i didn't offend anybody.
September 8th, 2010 at 05:11pm