Every Time You Smile At Someone, It Is An Action Of Love, A Gift To That Person, A Beautiful Thing

Mother Teresa was a wonderful woman (':

So yeah, I haven't updated this story I said I was brimming with ideas for. Why you ask? D'you want the long or the short answer?

The short answer is that I went back to school yesterday. Being a year 13 and a house captain is fun, but it's a lot of work. Plus I'm a masochist so I'm doing four A levels... I've been back for two days and I've already got a mountain of homework. Oh the joy.

The long answer is... complicated. I don't want to say it all here but basically, I'm working through some trauma and it's impacting on my creativeness, my motivation and my mood. I'm arguing with people I don't want to be mad at, I'm intolerant when that's so not me and I cannot stand to be around people who eat noisily.

But it's ok. I'm getting back into the swing of the whole school thing so I will write something soon. A poem is currently leaping into my mind so yeah, look out for it.

I want to take this opportunity to apologise to the people who just read this. It would be a rant but I'm too tired to write one. So I'll just smile and say thanks (:

Love and stuff
September 8th, 2010 at 08:56pm