Someone's in the kitchen with Kelly...

I'm baking again. This time it's strawberry bread. You can expect to find more pictures posted in my journal tomorrow. Hopefully the bread tastes as good as the muffins I made.

Somehow the result of dieting and depression has resulted into developing cooking as a new hobby. It gives me something to do and gets my mind temporarily off of him.

So I've started a new blog I call The Hungry Hungry Hippo.

I've denied it for a while now, but I've finally admitted to being depressed. But of course I'm depressed! I'm like some kind of emotional puppet slave; easily controlled by everything he does and says to me. It makes me feel like a water balloon. Flooding with emotions and hormones and with any kind of pressure I'll burst.

On the "upside" - if I can even bother to call it that - I got some compliments today from people saying I looked skinnier. I'm glad people notice though, so all that wasn't a waste. I didn't lose nearly fifteen pounds in four months just to be ignored!

Join my contest? Murderer Among Us. Pweeeeez? *puppy dog eyes*
September 9th, 2010 at 12:37am