"Do you like oranges?' "What kinda of question is that?" 'Answer it,' he said with a sly grin on his face.

Today's journal topic is about none other than high school and guys. Of course, these two mix pretty well together is you have the right amount of each.

Brandon. Denis. Max. Dustyn.

Brandon is my newest crush. After the day we had when I went to his house, he's been imprinted into my brain. He knows how to make me laugh and bring out the best parts of me. When we catch each others eyes from across the room he flashes his 'sly grin' making me blush terribly. He knows he's dominant over me, but I kinda like not having to do anything.

Denis is my old crush, although he's a year younger... I still love him (as a brother NOW) He just started attending my high school this year, which is quite awkward for me. We've never kissed or anything, we just had ... a connection? Anyways, he's not my type and well... a dick :)

Max. The quiet guy who you can go to for help. The nice guy who knows everything about everyone and doesn't share secrets. My partner in crime ;) My friend Chanel had a party, and well... he asked me to be his date. Knowing him I knew he only needed me to feel less shy, so I agreed. By the end of the night we were dancing pretty damn close and stuff like that. Now things are quite awkward, but talking about issues is never a problem :)

And finally there's Dustyn. *Sigh* How he makes me feel by just being in the room is over powering. Yeah, I'm fifteen. But love is prominent at any age. I'm not saying I love Dustyn, because he seems quite gay but if he asked me out I'd think it over before I said anything. I taught him how to play golf ^.^ and how to dive...

These are the top four most important guys in my life right now. Brandon will be mine and I will be his. I can see it happening, and I want it to ... but im scared to get hurt again.

SORRY for all the readers who just read through my love interest persons, but this is what I felt like talking about so... DEAL :)

OH! and the title.
Brandon:"Do you like oranges?" he asked while we were sitting in his hot tub, his arms around my waist.
Me:"What kind of question is that?" I asked, craning my neck to look at him.
Brandon:"Answer it" he said, flashing that sly grin. He knows I'm in love with it, and that's why he smiles like that when we catch each others eye.

I hope you're not too upset by my choice in topic... any suggestions for next time are REALLY appreciated :) Thanks guys
September 9th, 2010 at 02:40am