30 Days of Prompts: Day 6 - Ooh, yeauh, a kiss story. x]

Day 6 of the 30 Days of Promps journal challenge. I am doing prompt #27: "A moment, in great detail".

So I guess I better give some back story to my moment. It involves me and my bestfriend Shannon who only really got real close this Summer after losing most of our other friends. xD How sad. But anyway.
So me and her for a while had done this thing in which we kinda pretended that we were together, which was of course false because she was straight and we were just friends.
So my 'moment' happened when she stayed over at my house for a few days two weeks ago.
I'm using this moment in no way to brag or anything of the such, it's just fresh in my mind and it was kinda amazing, so yeauh.

We were lying in bed with all the lights off, just talking and messing, half trying to fall asleep and for some time I had felt quite attracted to her. So there we were in bed and she bit my finger - which to some may seem strange but in my circle of friends it's kinda normal as a greeting- but what was strange was that instead of just letting my finger go she kinda kept it there.
So we were kinda getting very flirty and one second we were there laughing and the next we were kissing. I have literally no memory of those bridging seconds. It's strange but I just can't remember, is that weird???
But she told me I started it later.
So the exact moment that this journal is about is the moment just after that first part of the kissing when we just lay there, hearts beating so fast, so confused, scared and it was just like something I've never felt before.
I knew that this was what I wanted but I was terrified at the same time.
Thoughts kept running through my head; how did this happen? What if she hates me? What if she is truly straight.

It was terrifying and amazing, and definately a moment that I'll remember.

So yeauh, that's it. =]
September 9th, 2010 at 11:02pm