Has the death of a fictional character made you feel actual grief?

Reason I'm asking is probably clear; it's happening to me!

Does it seem ridiculous that the death of a fictional character has actually gone and upset me? I mean, I know I can't be the only one. I remember everyone's reactions to all the deaths in the seventh Harry Potter book. But seriously, I just feel so silly about it.

You see, this character isn't from a movie. I would be extremely shocked if you knew of him. He's from a show called As The World Turns which is a very long-running soap opera which happens to be coming to an end. I would watch the show a couple times a week with my mom out of boredom until this character caught my attention.


There he is! Reid Oliver. He's a mini-Dr.House. He basically has no family or no contact with them, no friends and is an arrogant, sarcastic ass. He's rude, snappy and pushes anyone trying to be nice to him out of his life. I don't know what it is about characters like him that draws me in, but I can't help it. So I actually started paying attention to the show. Not only was his character's personality interesting to me, but he's super good-looking in my opinion. As the show went on, he got close to one of the other characters. Turns out, he's gay.

Even better! A bitter, distant gay neurosurgeon who would start opening up to an unexpected love interest. It's so sappy and cheesy, I know, but it sucked me right in. So I watched it and watched as Dr. Oliver and his love interest, Luke, got close and then became a couple. I was so sucked into the show that it became ridiculous. I stopped watching it for a while and then one day I decided to watch it again.

One of his patients and co-workers needed a heart transplant and was promised one from a hospital nearby. Unexpectedly, the surgeon at the other hospital decided his co-worker couldn't have the heart anymore so Reid being Reid decides to drive to the other town to try and convince the doctor to give them the heart. On his way there, his car gets hit by a train and before he dies he asks if his co-worker could have his heart if it was a match. It was.

I cried. I never cry but it made me cry. It made me cry that he was dead and made me cry because I don't even like his co-worker. Anyway, this story has gone on long enough. I'm upset. His character died two days ago and I'm still so sad. Is that weird or am I not alone in this? I must be way too attached to shows.
September 10th, 2010 at 01:26am