All About Me

So, you want to know about me? Are you sure? You’re positive? Ok, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.
My full name is Kathleen Mary Theresa Gessner, but you can just call me Katie. My best friend likes to call me Mama Theresa, I haven’t the slightest idea why, but she does. I am 17 years old, I have a drivers license, but no car. My favorite color is blue, I’m a Leo, I work at Fun Zone and I’m writing this on my bed at 11:00 at night. Why? Not because I’m procrastinating, I’m actually writing this three days before it’s supposed to be due. I’m doing this because writing in the dark is cooler, don’t you agree? I enjoy Thai food and walking through the sand barefoot.
I am a dork at heart. I am probably the biggest Harry Potter fan in the world. I want to marry Draco Malfoy, I don’t care if he’s not real, I will find a way. My main goal in like is to find someone (besides Charissa Middendorff) who talks like Albus Dumbledore. I can recite every line to every single movie in the Harry Potter series. I’ve read all seven books about three times each. And as of today there are 67 days left until Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes out in theatres. I will be there opening night, rain or shine, no matter what the hour. I will proudly go to school tired the next morning! That’s how dedicated I am!
A sense of humor is my weakness in a guy. I’m serious, make me laugh and I’m hooked. Now that you know the basics, let’s get into more detailed things.
This is my second year in Creative Writing. This class is the one place where I can truly be myself, without any interruptions or judgments. I can be crazy and wild and insane and no one will so much as bat an eyelash. Why is this? I will probably never know, but this class is what makes me truly me and I am glad to be spending my final year in FHS here.
What was that? Final year? No! It can’t be. But, alas! It is true! The fact that I’m a senior hasn’t fully sunk in yet. Maybe I’m just a late bloomer. But the fact that I’m graduating, that after this year, I’ll be nothing more than a picture in a yearbook, THAT is my biggest fear. I want to mean something to this world, I want my life out of high school to have a purpose, because if it doesn’t then why did God put me on this Earth at all?
Yes, I believe in God. I believe there is a power greater than man. I believe that when we die, we will go to heaven. But I don’t think of Heaven as pearly white gates or angels floating around. I think of Heaven as the greatest moment in your life. May it be a day, a week, a year, any time, but the time you felt happiest. You would be able to relive that moment over and over and over again. That’s what I hope Heaven is.
What do I want my heaven to be? Sitting on the swing set in my backyard. I swear, you will never sit on something more magical or beautiful in your entire life! It’s white wood, with vines draped over the top. It’s in the back corner of the yard, away from the house so there’s just complete quiet. Sometimes, if you’re really still, you can see the baby birds pop out of the nest in the tree above the swing. I sat out there everyday this summer, just sitting and reading and taking in the nature around me. It’s the most perfect way to relax after a busy day.
Yes, I am a busybody. I’ve always hated that word, it sounds like a bug. But, it’s the best way to describe me. I’m constantly on the move. I’m apart of so many different clubs and organizations and sports, my schedules always insane!!!! I’m on the swim team, as well as the badminton team. Last year, I was the youngest officer in the Go Green club, and I am a returning officer this year. I dance 3 nights a week at Step by Step Dance Studio, plus I teach a 45 minute class every Saturday. I see an SAT tutor once a week, as well as a therapist that I see once a month. And…let’s see. There’s one thing I’m forgetting. It feels rather important….OH RIGHT! I am also the Copy Editor of the Labyrinth, the high school’s literary magazine! So yes, you could say I have a lot on my plate. But I wouldn’t change any of it for anything! As Belle and Sebastian once wrote, “Color my life with the chaos of trouble.” (The Boy with the Arab Strap)
As you could probably guess speak to you and move you in one way or another. It should make you think and from that random song lyric in the passage above, I’m a bit into music. But not just things like Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift. I have a theory that there are two different people in the world. One type is the song people who don’t care about the lyrics as long as the songs got a good beat that they can dance to. The other type (the one like me) is the lyrics people. There the ones who start analyzing the songs the second they buy the CD. The lyrics should make you feel.
Well, now you have a little bit of insight into the mind of Kathleen Mary Theresa Gessner, age 17. And once again, I have written far more than necessary, and for that I am sorry. <3
September 10th, 2010 at 05:39am