Stories (Hjalmarsson and Burish)

I have received a few comments and messages about my two other stories that I have on here: the Niklas Hjalmarsson mini-series and the Adam Burish one-shot.
I just want to explain the two stories.

The Adam one is mainly a one-shot, but I might have a follow up one-shot or two. I really enjoyed writing that one-shot and I'd like to be able to write out how their lives go on since it's benen in my head... well... pretty much since I was writing that one-shot.

Now, as for the Nik one, I will definitely be adding onto that. I absolutely love Ariana Letang (yes, that is a character of mine. Along with Sierra and Rhyne and anyone else that is mentioned and doesn't register in your minds) and her and Nik are just too cute for words. I do have a hard time writing them because of that, but I definitely want to continue it.
The story is mainly just snapshots of their lives together, which is why I am calling it a mini-series and not an actual story.
The thing is, I don't plan on adding onto it with the next chapters until I finish my Kris Versteeg one. I do not know when that is, but I do have a Sierra one on my other account that I am sparsely working on along with my Kris one. Since I have been so busy and barely able to get a chapter out every week or so, I don't want to add one even more to my plate and cause my wonderful readers to wonder when the next chapter will be out.

So, definitely the Nik one will have more chapters to it, but just not until I finish my Kris one. I do hope that everyone will keep reading my stuff, because I do enjoy the comments that everyone has been giving me :)

September 10th, 2010 at 10:58pm