Story of a Lost and Forgotten Soul

As she looks upon the night sky she sits and ponders how life could be so cruel as to take everyone away yet leave one soul grounded to this lost and dark world alone and not knowing how to survive. Stars are twinkling like they are happy to be out yet as she looks to them rain drops slowly pour down from the sky as if the stars are crying for her sorrow. Looking to the bench that she sits upon and wonders how life will be now that she only has this piece of wood to call her home. For when she lost all that was dear to her, she lost everything she stood for. Looking down to the ground she sees the worn and loose shoes that she once remembered were given to her by her mother, oh she was so happy that day, but now they didnt even look like the same shoes, her stocking covered in mud and torn. She had been on her own since the day she ran from the crashing pain of seeing her family taken from her in a blink of an eye. The tires scretching to stop and the sound of metal hitting metal and lights breaking into millions of pieces, blood all over the windshield, the slamming of metal as the car flips over and then nothing but silenced followed by the scream of horror and pain as she runs to the wreckage to try and save her family. Only to be held back by a stranger keeping her from getting hurt, and as if it werent hard enough to bare, the car erupted into flames and she swore she heard the cries of her mom and father, but now all she heard was the pitter patter of the rain against the trash bin next to her. Life dealt the most cruelest cards to those who didnt seem to deserve such pain, yet here she sits in the rain only 10 yrs. old wishing she never had existed, for if she knew her life would come to this she would have never wanted to know what a family was only to in the end loose them.
People walk by looking at her with pity and whispers of how awful it is for her to be out on her own in this weather. Yet they never stop to ask if she is ok or if she needs shelter, but then why would they they have family to go to, they dont have time for a lost soul liker her. For when the rain continued and no soul stopped to help her, she slowly walked, water sloshing from the wet soles in her worn shoes. As she stood by the wall looking out over the vast ocean she closed her eyes and listened. Waves crashing and the water singing with its calming melody, oh how she wished to be free like the ocean and one day sing the calming words that would ease her pain.
A soft and gentle whisper in her ear had her turn to see what looked like a angel only the light was so warm she had to close her eyes just to breath in the purity it brought to her soul. "Come my child for thow mustn't be alone any longer for thee will always be safe in the arms of thy Father" She smiled for the first time in so long and as she looked down she saw that her clothing was no longer torn but as new as when the day she got it. Lead by the angel she was swallowed up into the white light, as it faded from sight the only thing remaining was a single white rose from whinst she stood, to always stand for the memory of a once lost soul who was lead home to a new light.
People contiuned to walk and never once did a soul look to help a broken heart, for in this world we must learn never to turn a blind eye from those who need us most. For whether it be a child, for she didnt get a chance to find that love again, as her soul died and was taken to the afterlife.
Thow shalt not shun those who need thy help in thine heart shall thee stand tall for the righteous and for thine purpose shall guide thee to a shining light.
September 10th, 2010 at 11:24pm