Last One Picked

who saw at least one time the show Super natural? The most funny show you'll ever watch, trust me.

Sorry, had to put that in there sense i'm watching it right now. Any whats, have any of you felt what it's like to be the last one picked, to be the one who spends the night before spending hours on a worksheet so the teacher won't look at you with pitty when no one will hook up with you to do the paper? How many of you realize that it took you three hours to do something that everyone finished within 45 minutes? That's me, Jessica Rose. Sense when was it a curse when someone was different? When mature people were loners for not talking like the others do? For God's sake, how does it feel to have a friend that changes herself to be your exact replica yet striving to be better to out shine you, and then she's the goddess of the school? How does it feel to try to tell your best friend about your personal hell, then have her use that aginst you later, everytime a word slips from sadness, she'll use that to make herself better but for that day she'll play along? And so how does it feel to know that this is only the start, and more mocks and curses are to come?

How does it feel to watch every single life waste away and fail, while you know who you are and what you are to the world, or what you're going to be?
Thinking about this makes it all worth it, somehow.
Somehow, I'm content.
September 11th, 2010 at 03:08am